Archive for March, 2022
Navigating Cancer Together Podcast
Upon receiving a cancer diagnosis, the patient typically faces many challenges, including feeling confused, overwhelmed, and alone. All of them are emotionally draining!
Join cancer thriver and cancer doula Talaya Dendy as she interviewed Deborah and Stephanie about their book EFT for cancer to support people from all walks of life who are living with cancer, caring for those with cancer, and those who made it on the other side of cancer. EFT for cancer is a book based on EFT Tapping that provides complementary and integrative care
This episode contains powerful information to help you navigate cancer a little easier, feel hopeful, and be better informed.

Listen here for this informative sharing on how to manage the stress around cancer.
Deborah and Stephanie speak with Marjam Paninshi on Positive talk Radio on about the use of EFT Tapping and cancer. They focus on how EFT can make the journey with cancer lighter and gentler. Learn about specific uses of EFT for all stages of cancer and as a way to improve emotional health. In addition, Deborah shares empowering experiences of how EFT helps children with cancer.

This episode was on: Working On WellnessWednesday at 11 AM March 2nd 2022: |
In this episode of Working on Wellness, Angela Zubella brings you Deborah D. Miller and Stephanie Marohn will teach you about the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). They will share how to effectively use EFT as part of an intervention to support those who are going through or dealing with an individual who is going through cancer. Deborah D. Miller has a PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology and is a Trainer and expert in EFT Tapping. She is also a Reiki Master, Life Transformed CoachTM and internationally-renowned author. Stephanie Marohn is the executive editor of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Energy Psychology and the author of 10 books, including seven on natural medicine. To learn more about your host Angela Zubella check out To learn more about our guest Deborah D. Miller check out To learn more about our guest Stephanie Marohn Their book EFT for Cancer is available through any online or local bookseller. |
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Contact Deborah for a private, family or group session to receive emotional support yourself or someone you love who has cancer or an illness at
At this time there are so many current events occurring that can cause stress and worry in ourselves and our children. You will find techniques and tools here that will help you support your children calm themselves.
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How to Prevent Challenging Events from Having Traumatic Effects
In Compassion in Action, Emotional First Aid for Kids, you will learn valuable techniques to help children successfully move through upset and trauma. You’ll find self-regulation and recovery techniques to help yourself, so you can help others more effectively. These practical tools support parents, caregivers, teachers and community members who want to protect children. The strategies are easy to learn, apply and remember, for both every day use, and in times of trouble.
In Emotional First-Aid for Children, you discover:
• How to help Children successfully navigate adversity
• Techniques for rapid self-regulation & recovery
• Tools for shifting children from trauma or upset to calm
• Easy to learn, apply and remember techniques
“Emotional First Aid for Children is a simple, practical guide that will show you some of the most cutting-edge techniques parents can apply and teach their children for navigating through troubled times.” ~ David Feinstein, Ph.D. Co-Author, The Promise of Energy Psychology
“Emotional First-Aid for Children is essential for any parent who is concerned about the mental health and well-being of their children.” ~ Gene Monterastelli, Editor
“This is the best written, practical, up-to-date, straightforward instruction in Emotional First Aid for children of all ages that I would have liked to write, in the exact same way. Not reading it is immoral.” ~ Ulf Sandström, Hypnotherapist, Trauma Specialist
Deborah D. Miller, PhD: author, has helped hundreds of children suffering from cancer and their care-givers to alleviate the fear, anxiety and stress arising from the illness. She blends energy psychology, science and spirituality in a way that enables her to apply and teach practical techniques that are easy to learn and use. Her materials are available in both English and Spanish.
Jondi Whitis, MToT: author, Master Trainer of Trainers for EFT International, and former Lead Trainer for the Newtown Community Trauma Relief Project, Jondi has helped thousands. Jondi travels widely to train others so they can help people relieve suffering.
You’ve wanted to find out how to help kids get through challenging times.
Here’s how – what are you waiting for?
Get your copy here: